Specialized ICs are integrated circuits that are different from standard industrial ICs such as the 7400 series or 4000 series. For example, an IC designed to perform the functions of a digital voice recorder or a high-performance Bitcoin mining machine is an ASIC, and ASIC chips typically utilize a semiconductor process using gold-oxide semiconductor field effect tube (MOSFET) technology.

Compared with general-purpose integrated circuits have the advantages of smaller sizelighter weightlower power consumptionimproved reliabilityimproved performanceenhanced confidentialitylower cost and so on.

Generally, the ROM and RAM of specialized ICs are masked (MASK) before shipment, such as the commonly used infrared remote control transmitter chip is this kind of chip.

Common Brands:

Renesas Electronics America

TDK Corporation

Maxim Integrated

Texas Instruments Incorporated

ON Semiconductor

Atmel (Microchip Technology)

Recommended Models:
